Helping Your Baby Sit Upright
Improve your baby's seated position
I am often asked, "How do I help my baby sit upright?" Once your baby has mastered tummy time and rolling, they can start sitting with support around 5-6 months of age and usually become independent with sitting by 7-8 months. Here are a few different ways to help your baby learn how to sit:
- Place their hands in front of them. While sitting behind them, provide support with your hands at their waist or legs to assist with their balance.
- Place a boppy pillow (like the photo to the right) behind your baby while they are in the sitting position for support and safety.
- Place toys that are slightly taller than the floor in front of your baby. This will enable your baby to sit more upright while playing.
Remember, while sitting is such an exciting independent skill, we don’t want to lose focus on the importance of tummy time. Tummy time is what will lead to crawling, which is essential for future milestones. Stay tuned for more information on how to help your baby crawl on our next post! Contact us with any questions!